Remember the Soldiers
You can see the MN7980 fraternal association's web page, which is under a continuous development.
My aim, the MN7980 concerned for Pál Kinizsi barrack-room story, it accomplished a service there
row concerned soldiers' and their memories' champing, his summary.
In as much they have the authentic informations which can be shared with the publicity,
their photographs, their memories, I am asking it let it be sent for me.
With thanks: Sándor Rózsa
contact: mn7980@citromail.hu
Hungarian army infos >>> here <<<

Hungarian AMD-65
These AK-47 style rifles come with a 20 round magazine and the ability to accept any high capacity AK magazine or drum. They feature a side folding metal butt stock and vertical fore grips. These guns use a Hungarian chrome-lined 12.6" barrel with a muzzle brake permanently attached to reach a 16" length. With the shorter barrel and side folding stock, these guns were designed for Hungarian Paratrooper forces to use in tight spaces more efficiently.
Weight: 7.1 lbs. Length: 33.3 inches Barrel length: 12.5 inches Cartridge: 7.62x39mm Action: Gas-operated, rotating bolt
>>> klick
